6 Cups coconut milk
1 Cup red kidney beans
1 Cup okra
1/2 lbs yellow yam
1 Caribbean sweet potato
2 Potatoes
1 Cup pumpkin or butter squash
2 Green onion
1 Spring thyme
1 scotch bonnet pepper
1 Maggie pumpkin soup mix
1 Dried coconut
Coconut Milk:
- Break coconut, pour out coconut water, then separate the meat of the coconut from the hard outer shell.
- Cut coconut into small pieces to help with the blending process
- Add coconut into the blender and pour 1-11/2 cups of water into the blender and blend until smooth.
- Strain the blended portion through a strainer. continue to add water to the coconut trash and strain until you get the disired amount.
- The less water you add the richer the coconut milk will be.
- Add water and red kidney beans to pot and cook for 30 minutes.
- Add coconut milk, pumpkin and scotch bonnet pepper to pot and bring to a boil.
- Add Caribbean sweet potato, potatoes and yellow yam to pot and cook for 20-25 minutes.
- Add soup mix, okra, green onion and thyme to the pot and cook for 10-15 minutes.
- serve warm.